Posts Tagged ‘European goats’

Most Popular Goats for Meat: Best of Cabrito

Saturday 20 July 2013

There are a lot of different breeds of goats around the world. However, of all those breeds there are only a handful which are popular for eating. These goats are lean, intelligent, and into eating greens, which is a great combination if you believe in the old saying, “You are what you eat.” They are not used for milking and most of them aren’t used for fibers (cashmere fiber, etc), with the exception of the Spanish specimen.

There are a few reasons certain groups of these animals are chosen for meat and certain traits they carry. These goats grow faster and rummage through brush with great hunger. Some are quite independent and able to take care of themselves as they evolved from very harsh or scarce conditions. Their immune systems are strong and have resistance to parasites, rotting of the hoof, and the breathing/respiratory problems that tend to be common in other breeds. The goats bred for meat are simply the apex foragers on the farm.